Tax Information for Bangladeshi Adsense Publishers

Adsense is a easy way for making money online from Bangladesh, but the amount of information and validations it requires initially seems overwhelming, isn't it? One of the initial confusions while setting up the adsense account is - Does Bangladeshi publishers need to submit tax information or TIN? Usuall, the answer is - Bangladeshi publishers do not need to submit any tax information in Adsense*.

Under My Account tab in Adsense, there is a Tax Information section where it requires publishers to submit tax information. This is the question they ask there:

Are you a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, U.S. corporation, or a U.S. partnership?

Yes No
Simply choose No, and your tax information is submitted!

*Please note, if you've any commercial/financial activities in the USA, you'll must submit valid tax information. These activities do not include using any email/blogging/hosting services such as Blogspot or Gmail.

So, cheers and have a tension-free earnings from home!

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