Getting Adsense Payment in Bangladesh

New and potential Adsense publishers of Bangladesh have many questions and confusions regarding getting payments from Adsense. Here in this article I'll clarify some confusions from my personal experience :)

1. Address verification: After your earnings reach $10, Google will send you a letter by post [not email] containing secret PIN. This will be sent to you to verify if your address is okay. You'll be required to insert the PIN in your account and verify your existence! This is a primary and a very critical step as you'll be eligible to receive all future payments only after you pass this step successfully. It takes 3-4 weeks for the PIN letter to reach Bangladesh from USA.

2. Payment Options: For Bangladeshi publishers, the only option so far for receiving payments is by check. You can choose from either Standard Delivery check [this is free and arrives within 3-4 weeks by regular mail] or Secured Express Delivery check [$28 fee and arrives in a week]. There are lots of complains on Bangladesh Post Offices, but my experience with them is good! I received Standard Delivery check in time intact!

In Bangladesh we can't receive Adsense payments through Western Union or credit/debit cards.

3. Eligibility of getting first payment: Once you earn $100, you're ready to have your first payment from Google Adsense! Google will send you the payment check at the end of next month after you reach $100 in any month. Confused? Don't be! To make it more clear - My earnings reached $100 in February and Google sent me the check just before the end of March. 

4. Timeline: A very common question from publishers are, "How much time does the check requires to reach to my address?" The answer is - 3/4 weeks from the delivery date. You can find the delivery date under 'Payment History' in your Adsense account anytime.

5. Converting check to cash: You can convert the check from any commercial bank in Bangladesh. Just make sure that the payee name in your Adsense account and your bank account name is identically the same. But the bank won't convert it to cash straight away; again you have to be patient! The bank will take 3/4 weeks to convert your check. And shockingly, the fee bank takes is very high - almost $80. Check this article to learn about the conversion process in detail.

6. What if you don't receive PIN or check: In case you don't receive PIN or check in time [after waiting for at most 6 weeks], you should request Google to re-issue the PIN/check. There is no additional fee for re-issue requests.

So start your Adsense journey with full confidence!

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